Sunday, March 09, 2008

Confidence and Glamour - not the same thing

For most of us, our confidence is associated with what we look like.
Well, just in case you are wondering, that is bologna and Romeo
(the horse in this picture) doesn't care what I look like. He just
cares whether or not I hang on and whether I bring him carrots!

The same is true with most of the people you hang out with. Most are not concerned with what you look like and for that matter most don't know what you believe YOU are SUPPOSED to look like. Confidence and glamour are not the same thing. Confidence is internal and glamour is external - usually only until you hit some humidity! (sorry, it's a Florida thing - bad hair days come often with the humidity we face.)

Be careful of the inconsistency in associating what you look like (Glamour) with what you feel like and believe about yourself (Confidence). You have control over both, but keep in mind which one is more important. We all can maintain our confidence even on those days of poor humidity, no makeup and hair on top of our head. Ha!

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