Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday Moment works on Tuesday, too!
Sign up for your own at http:www.monicawofford.com
Thursday, October 01, 2009
PHR and SPHR Credits NOW AVAILABLE for Conference!
As a result, we have extended the Early Bird Deadline until Oct. 9 so that you can save the date and register at the lower rate!
Now you can get credit AND skills for your confidence, balance, and stress management!
Register today! www.contagiousconferences.com
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Could you use a little less guilt, a little more time a lot less stress
Here are some key factors that will help:
1. Stop whining and take ACTION now!
- I have been whining about feeling out of shape for years, but also complaining about having no time to exercise. I was creating guilt for myself and two days ago, said WHO NEEDS THAT and went out to start running. I can't quite run a whole mile yet, but determination will prevail and I feel like I can leap tall buildings when I'm done. Two days in and the guilt is exponentially less!
2. Recognize that you CAN do it all, IF you know what ALL that is.
Decide WHAT you WANT before you start saying you can't have it all categorically. The WHAT is doable and once you figure that out, you merely have to make a priority list of when you want it. Now, if you want it all at once, like right now, well then, that's a whole different blog, confernece, seminar, and discussion. We'll cover prioritizing at the next conference. Check it out: www.contagiousconferences.com
3. Get Seriously Focused on the things you don't like
They, whoever THEY are, say that what you focus on gets traction and gets bigger. Well, I'm going to turn that around a bit. If you ignore what you don't like about you and just let the guilt build up about it without taking a clear examination of how to change it, then it will also get bigger. You have to look at reality and then decide what to change and when to change it. How about... yep, maybe, perhaps... like NOW. :) Or maybe that's just me.
We Should Have Changed the Title!
However, in hindsight, I am thinking we should have changed the title to : Doing More in Less Time with Less Stress. In fact, in a conversation over email today with a book publisher who is looking at our Commander in Heels book, I recommended to her that we change the title to Being a Commander in Heels: How to be a Woman Who Does More in Less Time with Less Stress
Isn't it true that we could all use a little less guilt, a little more time a lot less stress?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Blog title...
We'll see you at the Contagious Confidence Conf. on 10.22.09
Confidence vs. Self Esteem
Confidence means you believe you can do something.
Self Esteem means you are worth the effort.
You can wake up in the morning and believe you CAN get your list accomplished, but not believe you are worth the effort in setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and doing what you need to do to maintain a sense of balance and fulfillment, otherwise known as contentment. Yes, it is something you can have and that you deserve, I promise.
October 22 Event
Join us at the Contagious Confidence Conference for Women at the Winter Park Civic Center on October 22, and here’s why:
- You will finally get to relieve the stress in your back, neck, and shoulders that comes from running around like crazy and feeling out of control
- You will learn new skills that are easy to implement and NOT another “To-do” that will help you immediately with your planning and your confidence
- You will be able to take a break, even if just for one day, to focus on you, enjoy being you, and spend time becoming even better, with little or no effort.
That’s right. There’s no smoke and mirrors here. No side gimmicks. No fluffy stuff – just plain old skills, with networking, food, and fun. You deserve this day for you and your schedule, your stress level, your friends, your family and most importantly YOU will be so glad you did.
Don’t delay. You’re worth it my friend. REGISTER NOW for the Contagious Confidence Conference and we’ll see you on Thursday, October 22.
Get your very own at www.monicawofford.com
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Goal Setting: Are you doing what YOU want or trying to please others?
You have goals and you deserve to acheive them. In fact, for a good goal setting resource book, check out Creating Your Best Life. However, what few have ever been told about Balance or Goals, is that though you CAN have it all, you typically can't have it all at the same time. As well, it is important to assess whether those goals are something YOU really want or something others have told you you SHOULD have. We've got to stop "Shoulding" all over ourselves (one of my favorite lines!) and make sure that we are doing those things that are most important (versus urgent) for us over the long term life of our goals.
So, what are you chasing and is it YOUR rainbow or one someone told you that you SHOULD chase? Hmmmm... this is definitely going to be a topic of discussion at the next Contagious Confidence Conference!
Balance:When in Charge, In Heels, and Out of Time
Monday, August 24, 2009
Join us on Oct 22 for Balance: When You're In Charge, In Heels, and Out of Time!
If you are struggling with all the balls in the air that you're juggling...
If you are stressed out while trying to manage all the stuff you've put on your calendar...
If people marvel at all that you do and yet you don't feel like you do enough...
This is the conference for you! And... even better... there's no ginsu knives or gimmicks - just an entire day of learning and training on how better to manage the concept of balance and the tricks it plays with our head!
You can Balance: While You're In Charge, In Heels, and Out of Time!
See you there!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
During the day we spoke of leadership skills, where we are now and what we needed to work on, how confidence is key, how we get in our own way, how to develop your own description of what you do (really!) and how to modify your communication skills for each team member. We also worked on time management challenges, the impact of stress and the needs and pet peeves of many personality preferences.
It was a wonderful day of learning about ourselves and others, as well as how we can be better leaders of our own lives and the voices in our head, along with leading employees!
What did YOU learn yesterday?
Thank you so much for being a part of our 5th Contagious Confidence Conference. Stay tuned for details on our next event and we look forward to seeing you there!
Stay Contagious!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Michael J. Fox said Optimism is Contagious!
Everything we do, optimistic or otherwise, is contagious. How you feel and what you say about the economy, your own abilities, your environment, and so much more is contagious. We need each other and "hope doesn't exist in a vaccuum". This topic and many more WILL be covered in our next conference on May 13th. The Contagious Confidence Conferences help you not only learn from other women in the session, but also to learn how you can be an even better you than you thought possible or had seen before.
If you could use a dose of incurable optimism, contagious enthusiasm about leadership, life, or the voices in your head, then make plans to join this women's leadership conference.
I'll see you there!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Why attend the Contagious Conference: Leading in Tough Times?
Here are a few of the top reasons:
- You will learn how to effectively work with change (recently inspired by a participant who wanted more on this topic – thanks Renee!).
- You will gain unique techniques for dealing with whiners, nags, negative neds and nellies who can suck the very life out of your day.
- You will be able to boost your own confidence, which means you will be better able to ask others for help, develop teams, and admit when you don’t know the answer, without looking silly.
- You will interact with others from the business community who may turn out to be your next job lead or your next customer.
- You will get the chance to practice delivering coaching to an employee and selling your idea in a tough crowd.
- You will gain the ability to actually identify what an employee’s problem is and the skills to address it effectively once and for all.
- You will learn why micromanagement has value (and when to use it or not!).
- You will get a MUCH better understanding of why you have stress and how to eliminate most of it and keep it from affecting you daily.
Those are at least the highlights. The Contagious Conference: Leading in Tough Times, is a full day training course. And oh, did I also mention, we have continental breakfast, lunch and dessert, and a cocktail hour after the class, as well as over 15 vendors with services you don’t have time to shop for when you ARE at work.
This is more than just a conference, this is a way for you to feel better about what you are doing, particularly if you have been promoted, but not prepared and what to know what to do when you have people reporting to you.
Join us on May 13th in Orlando at Leu Gardens. Limited spaces are still available and for more information, go to www.contagiousconferences.com. Can't wait to see you there!
Friday, May 01, 2009
What Women Want...
We want to be understood
We want to be recognized for our talents
We want to be noticed for all that we do
We want to loved
We want to be accepted
We want to be seen as unique individuals
And often, we want to be seen as powerful, well respected and approved of people
You can be all of that! Some of these elements can come naturally, I suppose. Others of them require new skills, effort, and the development of communication that lets others know what we want.
These skills and more are what you will gain at our next Contagious Conference on Women's Leadership Skills: Leading in Tough Times. Join us on May 13th, 2009 in Orlando to get not only what you want, but what you deserve.
Women are wired to be fantastic leaders and yet we often fail to find that middle ground between being a leader without having to ride a broom or carrying a picket sign in promotion of feminism. We look forward to seeing you!
Stay Contagious!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Comment from one of our fans... a man's point of view
First, women frequently run into communication barriers in the business world because the men in their organizations rarely understand the female perspective. I have had huge success providing cross-gender communications training and it can be as simple for an organization as learning semantics. Because the fundamental essence of the human male is the need for independence, any male in a subordinate role to a female will view, "I need this on my desk by tomorrow" as a conflict confrontation. In his mind, he get's enough, "Honey, when are you going to take out the trash and mow the lawn?" at home. He naturally bristles when he hears it.However, if his female boss were to simply put it another way, "Roger, would you be willing to look at this?" or "Roger, I need your assistance with this and it must be done asap."The conflict with his need not to be told what to do is gone. In the second example, he becomes the knight, i.e. I need your assistance. Even gay men can't resist the call to chivalry. They feel needed, thus respected. Yes, I know this shallow and somewhat juvenial, but we're talking men here. I am the former Training and Development Manager for the State of xxxx (name deleted on purpose) where I once took these concepts to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The supervisors there in turn taught their front counter staff and low and behold there was a huge change in the public's perception of an agency they all hated to deal with. Now when a big burly man from this state walks in and stands before a small young female behind the counter, she says, "Sir before I can properly help you, would you be willing to fill out all the boxes on this form?" That simple phrase, "Would you be willing?" seems to work on most men. Try it if you are married.
Second, you mentioned your Leadership Confrence for women wasn't going to be a rah rah session. In daily performing the leadership function, there is one factor which, is rarely a solid given in men and very iffy in women. Confidence. Not confidence built on a false sense of self-importance, but true confidence built on a strong self-esteem. The average CEO in this country stumbles along, at best, when it comes to making individual decisions. I think there is a great need for women to be praised and lifted up in the business world and told that when they bring their true selves to the table with all their natural compassion, their desire to serve, and their male mind boggling ability to mutitask, they bring an unbeatable force. Rah rah has its place and women need it today. When I was seventeen, I was conoeing down a long set of rapids on a whitewater river and was met by a sixtyfive year old women kayaking back up stream. There is nothing so inspirational, nothing so empowering, and few things more glorious than a women, with confidence and courage facing whatever life throws at her. Give em some rah rah.
Thanks much my friend and stay contagious!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Leadership for Women - in 2009???
Leadership for Women is a skill development path that still needs to exist because until we recognize that we do not play by the same rules, nor need to, as men have for decades, we will continue to be battling against not only the system, but ourselves.
Women are and always will be different. We communicate differently, think differently, function differently, and lead differently. The Contagious Confidence Conference for Women, focused on Leading in Tough Times is a course that teach women to lead on their own terms and by their own rules, not those that we are told we must follow in order to seduce the boy's club.
Maybe in 2020, we'll be talking about how leadership can be a component of the activities for little girls, or actually see the advent of CEO Barbie. However, until then, ladies, we need to learn new rules, and new skills. June Cleaver will not ever run a board meeting, but you can..
Stay Contagious !
Monday, April 06, 2009
Thank you Laura and Beverly
I look forward to seeing you in May!
All my best and oh, stay contagious!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Will you help us spread the word?
On May 13th, 2009 in Orlando, we are conducting a Women’s Conference on Leading in Tough Times. It isn’t just about the times we are in, but about the skills women need to survive and thrive in them as leaders of organizations, businesses, lives, and the voices in their heads. This training conference will give women the skills to lead more effectively, eliminate the guilt in some of the choices we have to make, and lead without having to give up their femininity or who they are (or wish they could be!). It’s about teaching women to play by their own rules, not the ones of the boy’s club that we are told to follow. It’s about helping women recognize their own strengths and natural ability to lead. This isn’t a feminist thing or a reason to picket something, it’s merely a movement to help women rise to the positions of leadership in which they can excel, but may not know how to reach.
I am confident you know women who can benefit – maybe it’s even you! Would you be so kind to share this email and the attached registration form with the women in your world? We have even extended the early bird pricing so that there is still time to register at the lowest price possible. Please join us and invite your female friends to be a part of the movement. If we are going to shatter the glass ceiling, it will take all of us in this together. Will you help us spread the word?
Stay Contagious,
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A different point of view...
They try to be everything at one time.
I have never seen it work before.
A good wife, a good mother with small children, and a professional business women in upper management.
Some thing has to give.
I know from experience because I was a single dad with a 10 year old daughter, and no family close by.
I did solved the problem.
I would be in meeting out of town at our corporate headquarters, and the few women in upper management would start squirming at 4:30 PM.
How much longer will this meeting be going on.
Many times they were late, and I wanted to get finish that day so I could fly home the next day.
You can't be all things to all people.
It's always good to have an alternate point of view. Thanks for sharing my friend and thanks for being a member of the Contagious Community.
Stay Contagious,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Women and Leadership
Are you bringing guilt to the office over trying to do it all and not being able to?
Are you bringing feelings of inadequacy to the office when you still remember the dishwasher that hasn't been emptied, the kids that have to be fed later, and the clothes that need to be washed?
Are you just fine and confident that you are good leader at the office and yet wonder where your personal life went?
Are you able to separate who you are from what you do or haven't gotten to yet? We women often walk around looking for our invisible Wonder Woman jet that will allow us to get 500 things done if five minutes! It's true and many times we do it, but at what price. I don't have the magic answer, but I do have a few ideas. As the owner of an invisible jet, matching wrist bracelets and the cool Wonder Woman outfit and cape (okay, not really) I can tell you that women lead differently and sometimes, if given the chance, even better than they give themselves credit for.
Give up the guilt - even if you have to do it for lent and let's learn to lead together. Come together to our contagious community. In fact, join us at the Contagious COnfidence Conference for Women in Orlando on May 13th and let's see if we can shatter the flippin' glass ceiling and go out there with less guilt, less lack of confidence, and more power to lead than we ever thought possible.
Be there or be square. :) In fact, check it out: www.contagiousconferences.com.
I know you can do this! In fact, if I can do it... so can you!
Women, here's to your contagious leadership!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
WOMEN: You CAN lead!
- they take it on agressively and never look back, not worrying about being called a Big B Word
- they take it on and try to play by a bunch of men's rules or fit in or seduce the boy's club
- they don't take it on at all
As the nearly bald blonde exercise chic used to say: "STOP THE INSANITY!" There has got to be a better way. Can't a woman be a leader and still be feminine. Can't a leader be a woman and still be effective without being called a "witch"?
Are we ever going to get over the fact that just because a woman stands her ground, stands up for what she believes is right and conducts business as business - she is not to be called or seen as a bitch? Enough already.
Women, we are just as guilty on this front. We call other women this label. In fact, we do it sometimes before our male counterparts start slinging the mud. Are we being our own worst enemy here in proliferating the stereotype? Yes, we are and it's time we let go of it. Let's learn how to lead without worrying so much about the labels. Let's focus more on the skills insead of the stereotypes. Let's get promoted because we earned it and not because we were brave enough to bare cleavage or begged for job based on gender.
Women: you CAN learn to lead and the only rules you need to know are your own. You CAN lead and not be lumped into this overly feminine, nicey nice category. Boss's have to be bold and brave sometimes. Your gender doesn't have to prevent it, in fact with our ability to empathize, lift others up, and separate issues (that almost sounds like a bra commercial) we should be darn good at leading! I think it's time we got started doing what we should be good at.
Here's to your leadership, contagious or otherwise,
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Leading as a Woman
We women seem to make one of three choices in becoming major leaders in business:
- We reach for leadership and climb the latter, not caring how we look or what we're called
- We reach for leadership in a demure and feminine way, careful of our image and the danger we run in being accused of having ridden our broom to work.
- We choose not to reach for leadership because we don't want to risk our credibility or reputation.
In our next Contagious Confidence Conference for Women: Leading in Tough Times, we will include not only the fundamentals of leading in a difficult time and a difficult age filled with change, but also the skills we women require to lead in our own way. There will be no talk of riding a broom, worry over being called a big B word, and no rules for playing with the big boys or seducing someone to get ahead. We'll explore the danger in begging of power instead of earning it and refusing to take your power because of what someone might call you when you get it!
Central Florida: This One's For You and the future of your leadership may depend on your attendance. Be there or be square. (okay, that's old, but it's still true!)
See you on May 13, 2009! Leu Gardens, Orlando, FL
Register now at www.contagiousconferences.com
Friday, February 27, 2009
Contagious Conference- Leading in Tough Times - May 13, 2009
Attention Central Florida Women: This one's for you! If you are a woman in a middle management to executive level position and you have ever wanted to become a more effective leader of both your life and your work, this conference is for you. We call it a conference, but it's really a training class, with vendor tables. This is the solution, quick fix, and skill buidling course you have been looking for because:
- not only will it be entertaining, you will learn readily applicable skills
-you can use NOW what you learn on that day
-you will have access to reference materials, coaches, and your workbook during and after the conference
-you get to spend a day working on you and learning almost effortlessly how to be leader, still be a woman, and not ride a broom to the office
- you get to focus on Women's leadership skills that do not require you to play by any men's rules, be a big B word, or seduce any boy's club
This and so much more! Registration opens on Monday, March 2 and I look forward to seeing you there. This one is a "can't miss!" Save the date, mark your calendar and reserve your seat.
Contagious Confidence Conference for Women: Leading in Tough Times
May 13, 2009
Leu Gardens, Maitland, FL (just north of Orlando)
Register online at contagiousconferences.com
Register by phone at 1-866-382-0121
Stay contagious!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Struggling to Survive with Confidence
2. Make a Mark
There is a significant difference between hanging out a shingle to say you own a business and creating a business that has a specific market, target customer, and differentiating factors. Making a mark means claiming that part of the market which is yours, and yours alone. Famed marketers and authors, Al Ries and Jack Trout, say that the best possible position to be in is “First to Market”, or the first one to do what you do. There are a plethora of people in the race to be first and someone may have beat you to it, but it can be argued that second best is to be the only one who does what you do for whom you do it. How do you practice medicine in a way that is uniquely different? How do you coach or train that is unique and different? How do you advise on finances in a way that is unlike anyone else?
When you can figure out how what you do is different from all the others out there who do something similar you will have made your mark and your contagious confidence will grow exponentially! :)
Stay contagious!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Surviving with Confidence
As everything you do rubs off on and impacts others, we call it Contagious Confidence. It is truly catching and what we do is help you develop those skills really worth catching! Here is a tip on how YOU can develop your own sense of Contagious Confidence in your own business...
1. Hone Your Skills
If what you have been doing up until now is running your business by instincts or by trial and error, now is the time to actually develop those skills that may come naturally. Find a way to get a credential or two. Put some letters behind your name. Create a process or system out of how you “just do it”. Protect that process legally and develop it so that others could duplicate the effort. Running a business is different than whatever skill or talent that got you to start the business in the first place. Develop your skills in leadership, financial report reading, business management, and oh yes, customer service. Whether or not you have a process, or for that matter, answer your phone in a timely fashion is beginning to be one of the tiny things that will separate you from the others who are doing what you do.
More tips to follow... Stay Contagious!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Now Accepting Applications
Would your organization benefit from greater exposure to the community of women in business?
We are now taking applications for additional sponsors for these powerful and well attended conferences. Contact Monica directly for more information if your company would like to become a sponsor or be present as a vendor with your very own table.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Why Confidence?
In truth, Confidence, and even Contagious Confidence is the glue that will keep you together or let you unravel and fall apart.
If you are confident in your skill and abilities, you can teach others.
If you are confident in your ability to survive, you will find resilience in any situation.
If you are confident in your direction, you will make faster progress.
If you are confident in you, that rubs off on others and they will want to know how you do it.
A lack of confidence will cause you:
- to doubt your own abilities, skills, gifts, and talents
- to move slower
- to be less productive
- to share with others an attitude that is not productive or helpful
- give others a reason to avoid spending time with you, for fear that the attitude will rub off
Contagious Confidence is not only important and valuable, it's critical to your success. Are you feeling confident today? If so, HIGH FIVE! If not, what's standing in your way and how can I help?
Stay Contagious!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
What if?
Women everywhere had the confidence to laugh at the magazines at the check out stand?
Women looked at the ceiling and didnt' see it as a limitation?
Women in your world always lifted you up without jealousy, envy or petty comments?
Women saw themselves as unique, instead of needing to be equal, or the same?
Women found a way to recognize that they are different, not difficult when dealing with the
opposite sex?
Women embraced their strengths and used them?
Women confidently walked into their world (office, home, life) and set out to achieve what
they wanted without letting anything hold them back?
Women had no fear of being held back?
Women saw their body as a gift, a temple, or maybe even just a healthy placeholder for their
big ole brain and beautiful spirit, instead of something worthy of daily criticism?
Women felt beautiful no matter what they wore?
Women believed they could lead beyond their own household?
Women felt as comfortable leading a team at an office, as they do in leading themselves?
Women embraced leadership as something they could do because they ARE women,
not in spite of that fact?
Are you ready for 2009?
WE are ready to bring more Contagious Confidence into your 2009!
Will you join us in reaching for those items above and in improving your own confidence?