Confidence and a need for it, is all over the media right now.
Today, a reporter mentioned than one of our political candidates had "Contagious Confidence".
Not long ago, Subway commercials used a "loss of self esteem" as a condiment that came with the #2 on the competitor's menu!
The IBM commercials during both championship football games on Sunday mentioned a need to stop talking and start doing. Hmmm... My favorite one in the series was the Buzzword Bingo that employees began to play when the CEO spoke of Value Add and Empowered Employees. One girl in the commercial even yelled out "bingo!" in the middle of the large company meeting. Afterall if the buzz words are a flyin' and no one knows what you are talking about then it can erode confidence. At least making BINGO out of those words gives someone something to celebrate!
Should we begin a game of Confidence Bingo and see how many squares you get when the choices are confidence related? Might be fun! What would you put in the Bingo squares of a confidence bingo game? Should we list things to look out for in your day that could erode confidence? Perhaps the center square could say "dirty look", or "cold shoulder", with a corner that has "eyeore colleague" and another box that says "family issue" or "rejected suggestion". Heck, if the rest of your day is a bummer, maybe we could at least have something simple to celebrate. BINGO! Let me know your thoughts...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Game Face or Great Face?
Today is Monday and let's take a look at how the day began. For some of you Monday began last night when you had the "go to work blues". Is that how you started your week? For others it may have started this morning. You looked in the mirror and said "I'm COOL!" right? Hope so. :)
If instead, you did as I did - woke up in a great mood, made coffee, spilt it all over the bathroom, then watched my foundation bottle roll off the counter onto the tile flooor breaking into thousands of tiny glass pieces and then said "WOW". (or something like that!) Is that what today is going to look like? eek! Then I started to put the game face on and fake it. Then I realized WHOA! Today could be good for the rest of the day even if the first 45 minutes were not so hot. So I took the game face off, checked my attitude, and moved on looking ahead to great things. As my husband said, "At least you got all the bad stuff out of the way early." (which I didn't think was too funny at the time!) Maybe he is right. Even the Contagious Confidence lady has these kind of mornings. I hope your Monday began better, you are getting to do what you love and that your attitude remains positively contagious and confident for the rest of the day!
Today is Monday and let's take a look at how the day began. For some of you Monday began last night when you had the "go to work blues". Is that how you started your week? For others it may have started this morning. You looked in the mirror and said "I'm COOL!" right? Hope so. :)
If instead, you did as I did - woke up in a great mood, made coffee, spilt it all over the bathroom, then watched my foundation bottle roll off the counter onto the tile flooor breaking into thousands of tiny glass pieces and then said "WOW". (or something like that!) Is that what today is going to look like? eek! Then I started to put the game face on and fake it. Then I realized WHOA! Today could be good for the rest of the day even if the first 45 minutes were not so hot. So I took the game face off, checked my attitude, and moved on looking ahead to great things. As my husband said, "At least you got all the bad stuff out of the way early." (which I didn't think was too funny at the time!) Maybe he is right. Even the Contagious Confidence lady has these kind of mornings. I hope your Monday began better, you are getting to do what you love and that your attitude remains positively contagious and confident for the rest of the day!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
What built your confidence...
There is no greater confidence builder than watching your 4 year old pony who has only been trained for a few months, play in his first polo game with YOU as the rider. Okay, well insert ME in those YOU places as I think I am the only one in our community who plays polo. He-he. Though I could be wrong and hey, if I am let me know! :)
There are probably other things that build confidence, but that was a biggee for me this weekend! What built your confidence this weekend? Hope it was a contagiously confident one!
There are probably other things that build confidence, but that was a biggee for me this weekend! What built your confidence this weekend? Hope it was a contagiously confident one!
Monday, January 07, 2008
The Twelve Days of... well.. work with me here!
I know the holidays are over, but sing along with me to the twelve days of Christmas…
“5 Champaign Toasts…, 4 missed workouts, 3 take-out meals, 2 pecan pies…. and a worn out self image” Ha! I think that might be more like it after the festivities of choice have died down and we all go back to work in clothes that used to fit quite nicely or in our “thin pants”. Don’t fret – so we indulged a bit. It’s fixable and doesn’t require a New Year’s resolution. More importantly, in all the work that I have done with the CORE profile, I am beginning to understand WHY we do this to ourselves. The psychology behind it is amazing.
Take a walk down any toy store aisle and look at the girl’s toys. They are pink usually and almost all centered around making little girls look pretty, keeping a good kitchen, cooking a good family meal, or taking care of a household. The boys aisle on the other hand is about power, take over, and battles. Neither is right or wrong, but think of the programming at such a young age. If what you learned was that you had to be pretty, keep a good kitchen, and feed your family or yourself well, then NO WONDER we feel guilt when we are too busy to do it all. Too busy to cook? Then we run to a Micky D’s to grab dinner for our family… at least they had a balanced meal – fries ARE a food group. Too busy to exercise? Then we buy things that hold it in and keep it flat… at least we are keeping up appearances. But then there’s the guilt. If you are relating to this stuff, in any way nodding your head, then I want you to attend the next Contagious Confidence Conference for Women. This one is the Heath and Fitness focus and the programming I have just mentioned is just the icing on the cake (so to speak) of what you will learn to apply.
Plus, Wendy Chant will be there to give you eating guidance, exercise guidance, and real life stuff that will finally help you to Crack the Fat Loss Code. She is the nutrition expert and McGraw Hill must also think so as her book Crack the Fat Loss Code is expected to be a best seller and get this… it is going to be released on the day of our conference – Feb. 29. Don’t miss this. Go to and sign up today! Plus, sign up before Feb. 1 and save $50 bucks!!!
Think about how this will improve your life and the lives of those you love! Join us on Feb. 29 for some astounding information and an entertaining conference that will revamp that worn out self image in our new little song I shared above – see you soon!
“5 Champaign Toasts…, 4 missed workouts, 3 take-out meals, 2 pecan pies…. and a worn out self image” Ha! I think that might be more like it after the festivities of choice have died down and we all go back to work in clothes that used to fit quite nicely or in our “thin pants”. Don’t fret – so we indulged a bit. It’s fixable and doesn’t require a New Year’s resolution. More importantly, in all the work that I have done with the CORE profile, I am beginning to understand WHY we do this to ourselves. The psychology behind it is amazing.
Take a walk down any toy store aisle and look at the girl’s toys. They are pink usually and almost all centered around making little girls look pretty, keeping a good kitchen, cooking a good family meal, or taking care of a household. The boys aisle on the other hand is about power, take over, and battles. Neither is right or wrong, but think of the programming at such a young age. If what you learned was that you had to be pretty, keep a good kitchen, and feed your family or yourself well, then NO WONDER we feel guilt when we are too busy to do it all. Too busy to cook? Then we run to a Micky D’s to grab dinner for our family… at least they had a balanced meal – fries ARE a food group. Too busy to exercise? Then we buy things that hold it in and keep it flat… at least we are keeping up appearances. But then there’s the guilt. If you are relating to this stuff, in any way nodding your head, then I want you to attend the next Contagious Confidence Conference for Women. This one is the Heath and Fitness focus and the programming I have just mentioned is just the icing on the cake (so to speak) of what you will learn to apply.
Plus, Wendy Chant will be there to give you eating guidance, exercise guidance, and real life stuff that will finally help you to Crack the Fat Loss Code. She is the nutrition expert and McGraw Hill must also think so as her book Crack the Fat Loss Code is expected to be a best seller and get this… it is going to be released on the day of our conference – Feb. 29. Don’t miss this. Go to and sign up today! Plus, sign up before Feb. 1 and save $50 bucks!!!
Think about how this will improve your life and the lives of those you love! Join us on Feb. 29 for some astounding information and an entertaining conference that will revamp that worn out self image in our new little song I shared above – see you soon!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Happy New Year and all that jazz!
So far this year, and it's only the 3rd day, I have heard much of the same thing from many women. So, I did a little experiment. When I asked women how their New Year was going so far, 45% of them said:
"Well, I've put on a few holiday pounds, that's for sure!"
and 55% of them said:
"You know, I didn't get half the stuff done that I had planned to do!"
Yikes, why do we do that to ourselves? Whether you have put on a few pounds from the ever abundant flow of candy and cakes this holiday season or you didn't conquer the avalanche list of things to do, it's all okay. Look at it this way. You woke up, it is likely a beautiful day where you are, and you have yet another year to look forward to. Starting the day eroding your confidence by saying what all you don't like is not a good confidence builder. Focus on the things you are glad about and maybe even grateful for. Besides, the pounds you can address (See our next conference date on the bottom left of this blog!) and the things to do will be there another day!
You deserve a high five today, so give yourself one!
Stay Contagious!
"Well, I've put on a few holiday pounds, that's for sure!"
and 55% of them said:
"You know, I didn't get half the stuff done that I had planned to do!"
Yikes, why do we do that to ourselves? Whether you have put on a few pounds from the ever abundant flow of candy and cakes this holiday season or you didn't conquer the avalanche list of things to do, it's all okay. Look at it this way. You woke up, it is likely a beautiful day where you are, and you have yet another year to look forward to. Starting the day eroding your confidence by saying what all you don't like is not a good confidence builder. Focus on the things you are glad about and maybe even grateful for. Besides, the pounds you can address (See our next conference date on the bottom left of this blog!) and the things to do will be there another day!
You deserve a high five today, so give yourself one!
Stay Contagious!
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